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NYSE Euronext francais

L’offre internet de NYSE Euronext évolue.
L’ensemble des contenus et services du site euronext.com est proposé dès cette semaine sur nos nouveaux sites, qui remplaceront euronext.com à la fin de cette semaine.
europeanequities.nyx.com (Actions)
etp.nyx.com (ETFs, Warrants & Certificats, Fonds, ETVs)

Ainsi que des sites dédiés aux investisseurs particuliers lancés dans le courant de la semaine.
Les utilisateurs des services My Euronext sont invités à consulter
cette page pour prendre connaissance d’informations importantes concernant la migration de leur comptes.

 Description en anglais de NYSE Euronext


About NYSE Liffe

NYSE Liffe offers a gateway to a world of investment possibilities far beyond the simple “buy at a given price, then hold or sell” type of investment, such as shares.
Futures were originally introduced as an insurance mechanism for farmers and manufacturers who wanted to fix a price for crops at a future date. The farmer wanted to be able to make plans knowing the price he would get for his crops. For the manufacturer, fixing the price meant that he could ensure consistency in the prices he charged.
Options have also existed for a long time. The concept and theory behind options dates back to the development of the law of contract in mediaeval times. For many centuries since, options have been used in a simple way to oil the wheels of trade in agricultural produce, imports and manufactured products.
Futures and options are collectively known as ‘derivatives’. Derivatives, such as futures and options, are financial instruments whose price movements are derived from the price movement of an underlying security or asset.
In the case of NYSE Liffe’s equity futures and options, their value is derived from the price movement of an underlying share price or index level and they hold a host of investment opportunities for the private investor.


A stock represents an ownership or equity stake in a corporation. If you are a stockholder, you own a proportionate share in the corporation’s assets and you may be paid a share of the company’s earnings in the form of dividends.

Common shares typically provide their owners certain benefits. They include rights to certain information, voting privileges that can be exercised at the General Assembly of Shareholders and financial rights, such as dividend payments. Preferred shares differ according various company’s articles and national regulationsGenerally their holders do not have rights to vote, but they are given preferential dividends.




An option is a contract to buy or sell a specific financial product, which is called the option’s underlying instrument or underlying interest. For equity options, the underlying instrument is a stock, ETF or similar product. The contract itself is very precise. It establishes a specific price, called the strike price, at which the contract may be exercised. And it has an expiration date. When an option expires, it no longer has value and no longer exists. Options are most frequently used to remove market risk in owning or trading in an individual security or market segment.

A certain number of trading decisions will inevitably be unsuccessful—because of unlucky timing, incorrect information, unforeseen events and just plain getting it wrong. Options are a useful tool for limiting potential loss and maximizing potential gain—in other words, improving the risk-reward ratio of your trading.

With options, it is possible to trade for profit in a rising, falling, or even static market. You can:

                          Participate in short-term price movements with limited capital outlay—an option is a “geared” investment, putting less capital at risk.  

                          Participate in short-term price movements with limited downside risk—an option can have a pre-determined, fixed level of maximum potential loss.  

                          Hedge against a fall in the price of an asset—an option can be used like an insurance policy to make short term adjustments to your portfolio’s exposure.



Pour en savoir plus , visitez le site  http://www.euronext.com/fr